Organic Lawn Program

Our ORGANIC LAWN CARE PROGRAM consists of Organic Fertilizer treatments (depending on soil conditions) combined with liquid bio stimulants, and soil amendments to help introduce microbiology back into the soil!
Benefits of Organic Lawn Care
- Safe for your family and pets
- More cost-effective than "traditional chemical" programs
- Improves plant and lawn quality
- Low environmental impact
- Promotes microbial activity
- Builds organic matter in soil, increasing soil health
- Strengthens plants' natural defense system
- Reduces drought stress
Our Organic Lawn Program Processes
Application 1: Natural Pre-Emergent, Post-Emergent Application:
- This application controls existing broadleaf weeds with a post-emergent herbicide as well as a crabgrass treatment designed to target crabgrass and other warm season weeds during the germination process.
Application 2: Humate,CarbonZ,Bio -Char Product
- This application will improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients and water by the turfgrass plant
- Provides extremely high cation-exchange capacity (CEC)
- Neutralizes both acid and alkaline soils by regulating the pH-value of the soil
- Frees up carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate to enable its use in photosynthesis
- Reduces the availability of toxic substances in the soil
Application 3: Spring Organic Fertilization and Spot Treatment for Broadleaf Weeds
- This application uses a Professional Organic Fertilizer to help with the early greening of your lawn. This application is for all lawn types. We will spot treat your lawn for any existing weeds.
Application 4: Early Summer Organic Fertilizer, plus Liquid Humate, CarbonZ, Iron product
- This application uses a slow release Professional Organic fertilizer to feed your lawn throughout the heat of the summer months. By utilizing slow-release fertilizer, nutrients will continue to feed the lawn for 8 weeks, providing good color and growth when properly watered during the dry months. Plus, spot treat your lawn for any existing weeds.
Application 5: Summer Humate, CarbonZ, Iron and Spot Treat Broadleaf Weeds
- This liquid application helps heat stress and green color in the turf during the hot dry months of summer, along with building good soil microbes.
Application 6: Fall Organic Fertilizer, Spot treatment.
- This application uses an Organic Fertilizer to help your lawn before it goes into winter. This application is for all lawn types. We will spot treat your lawn for any existing weeds.
Application 7: Fall Natural Premergent and Humate, CarbonZ, Bio-Char Product
- This application is a liquid treatment designed to control cool season weeds that would appear in the lawn during the winter and spring months, plus build Carbohydrates, Microbes in the soil during the dormant months.